Tuesday, April 9, 2013

"What does it take for someone to move from a position of hate and racism to a position of tolerance and respect like the transformation that occurred in Derek?"

Racism had always been a big dill, like in the movie American history x choose. But many times its not any ones falls but the back ground of the different ethnic groups, because with ones has its one culture and had a different situation on the world history. A good example was the jewish people that is should with a lot of reality in the movie the The pianist.  The difference of the two stories in does movies is that one is with  dark skin people and in the other with religious difference.
But one good thing is that racism can change and turn to something that is the opposite like with Derek  in the first movie that I mention. That is because racism is many times made up in one situation were makes you have hate and the hade just go away when you get to know other people with dark skin in Derek's case, when generalizations are made you need to be very carful.
Like mention in a report School'Discipline Gap' Explodes As 1 In 4 Black Students Suspended, Report Finds were it shows that mor black student are suspend in school then white that is because of their back ground in the history not because they are worst then us. But it's a thing of time and awareness to make does people integrate 100% in the society, because even when for you they already are for many people they are not and that is just "stupidity".  Because one of the people that I are great admiration is president Obama.    

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Under Pressure

Extender test are a big discussion on today's society for many different reasons. And the new kind of school that was chose in Sweden. Many students does not work well wounded pressure and can not concentrate in a normal class. The school on Sweden tries to make a space where you do not fell pressure and get bored. It's a great idea, for me it would work because when we have a block or in the minutes before the bell rig I have no idea of what there are talking in class, I just want to get out side of that class.  Even same times when I can't focus more I go to the bathroom just to get one minute out of that class, and then when a came back I can focus again like if the class had just started. So it would be perfect for me but one thing the it needs to have in a school like that is a quiet place to set and read and write. But the visual of the school should change because when you go in a place that you grow up seeing in TV people say that is boring you already dot want to be there.
Extender test shouldn't be frown away, but it should be different students should chose same topics to do and not all because same many times won't even do in our professional life this, way take your time and your concentration in same thing that you won't use.