Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Under Pressure

Extender test are a big discussion on today's society for many different reasons. And the new kind of school that was chose in Sweden. Many students does not work well wounded pressure and can not concentrate in a normal class. The school on Sweden tries to make a space where you do not fell pressure and get bored. It's a great idea, for me it would work because when we have a block or in the minutes before the bell rig I have no idea of what there are talking in class, I just want to get out side of that class.  Even same times when I can't focus more I go to the bathroom just to get one minute out of that class, and then when a came back I can focus again like if the class had just started. So it would be perfect for me but one thing the it needs to have in a school like that is a quiet place to set and read and write. But the visual of the school should change because when you go in a place that you grow up seeing in TV people say that is boring you already dot want to be there.
Extender test shouldn't be frown away, but it should be different students should chose same topics to do and not all because same many times won't even do in our professional life this, way take your time and your concentration in same thing that you won't use.    

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